200+ Beautiful House Name List in Marathi

Building your own home is one of the hardest things these days. The question always arises as to what exactly to name your house after it is built. In this post, you will get to know the all house name list in Marathi with the importance of the name for a House. We have brought the post for you in which you will find all kinds of House name lists in Marathi.

Our homes are our temples, and the people who reside in them are our genuine gods. In life, it is critical that we have our own house. Even wild birds construct their own nests. In the evening, once the sun has risen, the birds return to their natural habitat.

Since a house is only built once in a lifetime, everything must be meticulously planned before construction. The home should be constructed with a water system, open space in front of the house, and a small garden in mind. Following the construction of the home, the worship of the house should be performed in accordance with the religion’s norms and rites. In front of the home, a lovely Tulsi Vrindavan must have been constructed.

Why do some houses have names?

The first question that comes to mind is whether the house should be named properly or not. Some prefer to give religious names to the house. Some churches prefer to give the house a slightly more historic name. Friends, before naming a house, one should consider the meaning of the word, and only then the house should be named. 

A unique name is sure to make your home in a busy residential area stand out and add personality to it. The survey shows that people like it when your personality blends into your property, so make sure your house name  unambiguously describes you, Your family. As long as you don’t intend to use your home name as some sort of business name or bed and breakfast name, you should never worry about brand issues even if you draw inspiration from popular shows, characters, etc. d. to interfere with a real business, otherwise, you will not be able to benefit from the name in any way.

Does a house name add value?

The name given to the house should be unique. This means that there should not be a house with that name around so that a guest or postman can reach your house properly. Friends, it is just a huge house and there is no benefit. Peace and contentment in the house are very much needed.

By putting “The” before an interesting word or “Home” after an interesting word, you can often get a pretty interesting house name. The name of the house should be something that makes you feel positive and happy so that it spreads positivity and happiness to everyone in the house. Home is where family members live together, sleep together, play together, and spend time together, so you need to choose a name that reflects the true meaning of your home.

Unique house names in Marathi

If you are looking for a very unique house in Marathi, then you have landed on the exact post. Here we will discuss some unique house names in Marathi. Giving your home a unique and fun name will help your relatives, friends and loved ones find your home easily. If you love someone and want to remember them in your artwork or something special, you can name your home after them. Just like a child’s name, finding the right name for your home is as important as your home address forever. If you’re thinking about naming your home or building, here are some Marathi House name ideas that will help you to choose a perfect house name in marathi.

  1. विठ्ठल-रुक्माई 
  2. हैनाही प्रसन्न 
  3. सूर्योदय 
  4. जोतीबा प्रसन्न 
  5. खंडोबा प्रसन्न 
  6. क्षणभर विश्रांती 
  7. विश्वजित निवास 
  8. रणजीत निवास 
  9. सत्यजित निवास
  10. आईसाहेब 
  11. रामानंद 
  12. विवेकानंद
  13. रानभूल 
  14. जय बजरंग 
  15. रेणुका निवास 
  16. आनंदी  
  17. आईसाहेब
  18. आनंदसागर
  19. आस्था
  20. आवास
  21. अलकानंद
  22. अलकापुरी
  23. अमृता
  24. लोकमान्य निवास
  25. समृद्धी
  26. स्वराज्य
  27. वेदभवन
  28. पुष्कर
  29. मुक्तांगण
  30. हर्षवर्धन निवास
  31. आनंदवारा
  32. ब्रह्मचैतन्य
  33. सरस्वती निवास
  34. ब्रह्मचैतन्य
  35. तेजोमय
  36. साईनिवास
  37. जलमंदिर
  38. गजानन
  39. सहयोगी
  40. मैत्री
  41. विनयनिकेतन
  42. प्रभाकर
  43. सोम निवास
  44. चंद्रभागा
  45. यमुना
  46. विघ्नेश
  47. अबोली
  48. प्रवाह
  49. गुरुकुल
  50. गिरीराज
  51. राजगड
  52. अनमोल
  53. आनंद विहार
  54. अनुमती
  55. फॅमिली युनायटेड
  56. शिवनिवास
  57. दया
  58. दर्पण
  59. इन्द्रप्रस्थ
  60. माऊली
  61. अनुग्रह
  62. अमृतबिंदू
  63. अभीरपुरम
  64. कदंब
  65. अनुथम
  66. गिरिराज
  67. कोंदण
  68. कुटीर
  69. विरंगुळा
  70. श्रम साफल्य
  71. निकुंज
  72. उत्तम
  73. स्वप्न साकार
  74. अनुमती
  75. आर्षती
  76. बोध गया
  77. चारु हास्य
  78. शुभ चिंतन
  79. ध्रुव
  80. जननी

I hope you are liking the above-mentioned names. There are many names that can be placed in Marathi. Therefore, to solve your problems I have categorized the Name list into various categories. Please do read till the end to get to know all the famous and top 200 house names in Marathi.

Famous House Name List in Marathi

If you want to name your dream home, then this is a list of the famous  house name ideas in Marathi that you can read below and choose the one you think is best for your home. We have mentioned a list of house names or property name ideas that we have collected from all over India that will add value to your home.

Here are the famous house name list in Marathi, you can see below

  1. पंचवटी 
  2. स्वप्नसाकार
  3. मुक्तिधाम 
  4. श्रीहरी निवास
  5. वृंदावन 
  6. मातोश्री
  7. क्षण
  8. उन्नती
  9. पुष्पक
  10. पार्थ
  11. सार्थक
  12. रुक्मिणी निवास
  13. आराधना
  14. श्लोक
  15. आराधना
  16. श्वेतकमल
  17. अमरदीप 
  18. ओम साई
  19. आनंदसागर 
  20. शुभम निवास
  21. चिमणीपाखरं
  22. हर्ष 
  23. मुक्ताई
  24. हरिहरेश्वर 
  25. अनुमती 
  26. कृष्ण-कुंज 
  27. हर्ष 
  28. राम-कृष्ण-हरी 
  29. राधा-कृष्ण 
  30. शुभांगी निवास 
  31. तुलसीदास प्रसन्न 
  32. वाल्मिक निवास 
  33. ऋषिकेश 
  34. निसर्गरम्य 
  35. प्रकाश नीलायम 

Royal House Name List in Marathi

  1. आभा
  2. आश्रय
  3. प्रपंच
  4. भुवन निवास
  5. शांतिनिकेतन
  6. मथुरा निवास
  7. अयोध्या
  8. ज्ञानदीप
  9. प्रेमनीर
  10. उपवन
  11. महिका
  12. श्रीवत्सा
  13. लुम्बिनी
  14. स्नेहांचल
  15. सगंधालय
  16. फाल्गुनी
  17. ऐक्य
  18. सूर्योदय
  19. श्रीतेज
  20. तमन्ना
  21. ईशावास्यम
  22. इंद्रधनु
  23. इंद्रप्रस्थ
  24. गिरि
  25. गगन
  26. फाल्गुन
  27. देवकंठ
  28. चिरायू
  29. भारद्वाज
  30. नक्षत्र
  31. पाटील हाईट्स
  32. देशपांडेज हाऊस
  33. जोशीज विला
  34. पाटलांचा वाडा
  35. आईसाहेब
  36. आऊसाहेब
  37. शिवसदन

Best new House Name in Marathi

  1. श्री राम
  2. वसुंधरा
  3. शिवशाही
  4. लक्ष्य
  5. भारतभूवन
  6. रायगड
  7. वत्स्यालय
  8. सुमित्रा
  9. मनुस्मृती
  10. निखिल
  11. आस्था
  12. ओढ
  13. स्पंदन
  14. अंकुश
  15. इन्दीवर
  16. सगंध
  17. इंद्रन
  18. हेमन
  19. देवलोक
  20. हविशा
  21. हिंमाशू
  22. ह्रदेश
  23. गंगा दत्त
  24. भाग्यं निवास
  25. अरिंदाम
  26. माझे घर
  27. सुखसागर
  28. अथांग
  29. अक्षरधाम
  30. प्रेमकुंज
  31. प्रतिबिंब
  32. पितृकृपा
  33. मातोश्री 
  34. वात्सल्य
  35. वृद्धी
  36. पद्मजा
  37. स्वप्नपूर्ती
  38. आनंद सागर
  39. हंस
  40. कृष्णकुंज
  41. गर्व
  42. ह्रजू
  43. द्वारका
  44. इशा
  45. स्वरकुंज
  46. आज्ञेयी
  47. आरुणी
  48. अमोली
  49. बासुरी
  50. योगायोग
  51. धना
  52. विसावा
  53. अतुल्य निवास
  54. भागीरथी निवास
  55. यज्ञश्री
  56. कलादान
  57. कलाश्रय
  58. कौसल्या निवास
  59. स्वाती
  60. मंगलमूर्ती निवास
  61. गौरीनंदन निवास
  62. सह्याद्री
  63. गोकुळधाम
  64. नियती
  65. गोदावरी
  66. रुपल
  67. फुल्की
  68. स्वप्नगुंफा निवास


A funny but memorable name is the best thing you can do to make your home cozy. Giving a name to your home is no longer reserved only for those of us who own noble mansions, stately halls, exquisite estates, or stately castles.

Today we learned from this post how a house name can add value to your house and a house name list in Marathi. I hope everyone liked the article on the app if you have any questions, then definitely comment, and if you like it then share m on social media.

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