The best plants for sunny balcony in India

If you are blessed with a sunny balcony, you have a tremendous scope to transform your balcony into a picturesque balcony garden. This time, you may feel puzzled about plant selection. India is a tropical country still in different provinces you may find a great diversity too. To beautify your sunny balcony, initially, you are required to roam in your locality. Always remember that high sunlight tolerant plants of a locality are always tolerant of the environment and they require minimal care to grow. In this way you may make an attractive garden easily. Still you are not so interested in your balcony garden plant selection; we are here to let you know about some golden plants for your sunny balcony in India. 

The best plants for sunny balcony in India

How to find the best plants for a sunny balcony in India?

If you are residing in any corner of India, you will get a huge collection of flowering plants. But this time you need to do a little research. We are giving you a little idea for this step:

Make a search on the internet about the flora diaspora of your locality. You will get a rough idea about the types of plants that are dominant in that area. If you are interested to know the name of the plants, you may take a picture and use Google lenses to reveal the identity of flowering plants.  For example, we may get tropical rain-based trees in the western part of the country such as Maharastra, Karnataka, Lakshadweep, and others. Here deciduous or green leaf plants are dominant. In this way, you will get a clear idea about the names of flowering plants which are dominant in the locality. 

The plants which are dominant in the sunny area are mostly adapted to the climate of an area and if you want to cultivate those plants on your balcony in a short manner, you are required to do a minimal investment or activities for the plant. 

If you are too lazy to complete all of these steps, there are mainly three types of plants such as succulent, rain lilies, plumbago, Dorupani, etc. Always keep in mind that, in your sunny garden you must fill up the places not only with pot-filled plants but also embrace your pillars with naughty sculptures of Bougainvillea. 

Now we are going to give you a thorough idea about some plants that you can make on any sunshiny balcony in India. If you are a beginner, but a smart thinker just follows us. 

What are the best plants for your sunny balcony in India?

We are giving you two choices to revamp your old balcony with a dazzling look. Before looking out to the trees of your balcony, you should remember your character of you, your needs, and your balcony nature.

 If you are lazy or busy enough, there are a myriad of options for low-maintenance plants (like succulents, cactus, etc).

 If you are enthusiastic about your balcony garden making, and you are expecting bloom bursts in your garden, then flowering plants should be your choice.

 Sometimes, if you are moody enough, you may choose both of these. But, for all of these options, you are required to have a sunny balcony.  

Low-maintenance plants for your balcony with care planning:

Aloe Vera

  • It is the lowest maintenance plant. 
  • It can beautify both you and your balcony with its green leaves. 
  • Minimal watering
  • High water storage potentiality
  • Sufficient sunlight
  • Just plant it in the soil in a pot with a water drainage system.
  • On all e-commerce platforms and in the local nurseries Aloe vera is always available. Its price varies between 120 to 160 rupees. 

Spider plant

  • It’s leafy and blowing in nature. 
  • Moist soil is highly required in sunny or summer periods. 
  • You should not make it watery until the soil completely becomes dry. 
  • We need to place them in a sunny area with proper aeration.
  • The price range of Spider plants varies according to leaf cutting, shape, and species. Its range varies from 100 rs to 499 rs per kg. It is also available in all places. 

Jade plant

  • It’s the plant that is eco-friendly and has the power to survive in the toughest environment. 
  • This plant requires high sunshine to grow. It is a low-maintenance plant because it requires minimal watering. 
  • You need to put this plant in a pot with high sunshine and winds. 
  • The price of a Jade plant varies from 150 to 499 rs. It is mainly available in the decoration plant portion of nurseries and eCommerce stores. 


  • This plant is mint in nature. It requires minimal watering. You can use basil leaves as a condiment or flavoring agent to add some taste.
  • This plant is hard enough to grow in adverse situations. High range light, low watering, and moist soil are not an issue for this plant to grow.
  • This plant requires small but regular based watering. At the same time, sunlight is highly crucial for this plant.
  • You may find different species due to different natures or flavors. Its price is varying from 120 to 500 based on its usefulness. 


  • This plant is a low-maintenance based flower having no choice factor regarding sunlight, watering, wind, or other.
  • You are required to provide only some soil to place these. After that, the cactus will grow accordingly.
  • It needs a small place in the soil bed. Otherwise, it has no such requirements. 
  • It’s costly due to its attractive color, flower, and low-maintenance nature.  


  • This plant is a sunshine-loving plant. 
  • It’s a patio-type tree where the warm temperature is the main theme.  
  • It is hanging in nature. A deep pink color flower across the pillar makes a hanging condition 
  • Here the price range varies from 100 rs to 300 rs. It is available in different price ranges depending on the height of the plant, and the color of the plant. 

Palm trees 

  • This tree is not suitable to grow ruthlessly on your balcony. In this aspect, you are required to prune the tree accordingly. 
  • A sunny environment with the basic aspects of moisture is very crucial. 
  • You need to put this plant in a pot in moisturized soil. At the same time, you need to add some salt to the pot regularly for regular growth.
  • This tree is available in both online and offline markets where price ranges may vary accordingly. 


  • If you want to take a green break between your regular working lives, it is important to provide a bushy shape to the balcony sides. Here you can put the Galphimia plants. 
  • To enhance the bushy look of the tree, cutting the leaves is very crucial. It provides a green lash on the balcony. At the same time, you may hang these trees from the roof of the balcony. 
  • It needs sunlight and sufficient moisture to grow. At the same time, for better growth, there is the requirement of urea and Ammonia. 
  • Here the price range varies from 120 to 399 rupees depending on the availability and sphere of bushes.  


  • It is a light green colored foliage tree. 
  • Sunlight is very crucial. It is important to provide a cutting aspect to get the best way to provide growth to your plumbago or Neel charith tree.
  • With fertilizers and others, this plant blooms at the end of summer and monsoon.
  • Its price is varying in nature. Depending on the color and species of this tree, its price range varies from 120 rs to 200rs.


Excluding these plants, there are many other options that you may try to give your balcony a dazzling look, you may try Pansy, Petunia, Marigold, and many other trees. Pansy is a flower that can be grown up in a small wooden box and fill the entire room with the charm of color and fragrance. These trees can fill up every corner of your loneliness. Even if you are a passionate and sensitive one, you may try some fragrancing plants on your sunny balcony. These plants are Juhi, Kunda, beli, night queen or Brahma Kamal, and others. 

How to transform every corner of your balcony into a garden?

  • Initially, before filling all the floor surfaces of the balcony with pots and plants, you should utilize other free spaces. We are going to provide you with such ideas as follows:
  • Put some cactus in the wall hanging pots. Some flowering cactus will be present on that wall to provide a dazzling look to your balcony. 
  • If you want to put a leafy and green look on your balcony, you may put some bushy plants on the balcony open portion on the hanging pots. 
  • On the balcony, if you want to spend some time, just put some cereal on hanging trays. It will attract birds. They will chirp and it will bring you great delight. 
  • Nowadays you will get many pots of different shapes. You may put these pots on the railing of your balcony. It will be helpful to give your balcony a horizontal look. 
  • In this phase, you may consult with some balcony gardening consultants who may help you to provide your balcony with a dreamy shape. 

What to avoid during gardening on a sunny balcony?

  • Don’t forget to use a square box to store all the fertilizers and pesticides. Through the utilization of these chemicals, excessive sunlight may lead them to light up. This step may incur an accident. 
  • You should spray pesticides and fertilizers after knowing their reaction to sunlight. 
  • Despite having sufficient sunlight, there may be some water leakage issues in the garden, So, you are required to utilize a water can to utilize all the corners of the balcony. 
  • How to make your sunny balcony a dreamy canvas garden?
  • After completion of all these steps, you may put some electric lamp below the Bougenvelia chain or embrace the balcony railing. 
  • If you are desired to spend some time on your balcony, it is time to cover the balcony floor with a grassy mat. 
  • At special celebrations like Xmas and others, you may put some balls, reindeer, and others. 

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These are the 360-degree information bucket you are required before taking a step in the balcony garden maintenance and development. In all of these steps, decision-making is highly important. Your decision towards the choice of plants, types of flowers, and above all your dedication level is the game changer here to achieve the best result. If you are also interested you may start trying. Planting small trees, bushy plants, and cacti is not a herculean task but it should be done with consistency, perseverance, and others.

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